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  • Ombré Powder Brows is a semi-permanent makeup technique that is applied to the eyebrows through a machine to give the illusion of fuller and perfectly shaped brows. Unlike microblading, powder brows is less invasive to the skin and lasts longer. This technique creates a soft powdered makeup look that can be as natural or bold as you’d like. This is great for all skin types including oily and mature.

  • Everyones pain tolerance is different and this can vary. We do apply a topical anesthetic before and during the treatment so clients can feel at ease.

  • Please refer to the what to expect page for more details.

  • The treatment is usually split into two sessions – the initial treatment and the touch up treatment after 8-12 weeks.

    After that, PMU can last anywhere from 1 to 3 years, before it needs a touch up. Results may vary depending on skin type, lifestyle, medication, health conditions, etc.

  • You can resume regular activity the next day! In the first 7-10 days, you’ll need to avoid:

    Getting them wet, sweating excessively, sun exposure, and wearing brow makeup.

    Please refer to the prep + aftercare tab for more info.

    Some clients may take longer than others to heal as everyone's skin is different.

  • Unfortunately, you are NOT a candidate for cosmetic tattooing if any of the following applies:

    • Under 18, pregnant or nursing

    • Diabetes or glaucoma

    • Skin diseases such as shingles, psoriasis, or eczema on the area of treatment

    • Allergies to makeup

    • Keloid disorder

    • HIV/Hepatitis, skin cancer, hemophilia, or if you’re taking skin meds like ro-accutane or steroids

    Any other major health conditions will require a doctor’s note. I also have the right to refuse service for any reason.

  • Besides the first touch up that follows the initial session, (usually 8-12 weeks after) it is recommended to come back for an annual touch up to refresh the color. Some clients have better retention than others, so it is possible to wait longer than a year.

    Touch up pricing will vary depending how long it's been since your initial session with me. Please refer to services for more info on pricing.